18th Artillery Group Member
Ruben Martinez
• Ruben Martinez - Ammo Driver.
Basic at Ft. Leonardwood, MO -
April 7, 1964
2nd -8 weeks Training Ft Lewis, WA - July 4, 1964
Discharge April 7, 1966 - Oakland, Calif.
A-Btry 3/18 Artillery coming ashore Oct 28, 1965 |
Ruben was sent November 2, 1965
Ruben was my Ammo Driver until March 1, 1966 on Arrival to
Qui-Nhon Vietnam.
Ruben brought Ammo into 2/17 Artillery - a 105 unit.
Ruben helped on all fire missions and advanced with 2/17 Artillery to put fire
power in to Ia-Drang Valley - Ruben loaded their howitzers with 105 rounds.
Ruben took this picture as we came ashore at
Qui-Nhon, Oct 28,
1965. |
Ruben no like Tigers
Ruben was at
Tum with A-Btry 3/18 Artillery when the Mountain yard people
brought a tiger by his truck. The tiger was
killed by cross bow and poison Arrow's. They carried it in on a Bamboo
My being a Howitzer Driver... I took a look at this - March
'66 - and Ruben said, "who are
these people?"
I said, "Ruben, Hell if I know. I am not going down there and ask them
there names." |
Ruben Martinez and
Sal Mattina built our 1st Shower out 55 Gal. Drums.
Ruben & Peggy Martinez make there home in Kansas City, MO. |
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